Saturday 23 June 2012

Film noir Pre-production diary

  • 05/12/11
    We meet all four of us in a pod in college and we recorded our ideas, and discuss the characters and figure out some location, our main ideas
    I said my idea and everyone pretty much liked that and we remain  with my main idea. Then we decided that I should be the femme fatale and Jacq the detective.

  • 06/02/12 we had another meeting we talked 
     about equipment, characters, schedules, scripts, location. and then me and Eyyaz started to write the script later on.

  • 10/02/12 Later on Mohamed joined our group, and he was the D.O.P, so we met at Eyyaz's house to write the shot scenes.We spend a few hours on that.

1/03/12 - scene 1
We all met at Eyyaz's house  and we filmed scene 1 which was the part when I walk chill on the street with the 
coffee in my hand and suddenly I see a newspaper with an interesting subject about this detective and this way I become 
interested in meeting him. We filmed this scene in Baker Street not far from Eyyaz's house. Later in the afternoon we filmed another scene with me walking to his house in Regent's Park dressed very nice.

05/03/12 - scene 2 (attempt 1) & scene 4
We met again at Eyyaz's house and we filmed in the hotel where he is living , so for scene 2 we chose a nice hotel room from first floor, and there is happening out first meeting, me with the detective . And we have a conversation about what happened recently in my life and how I
need him to resolve this mistery I'm in now , but he reminds me that he lost his job and he is not ready to take this job in, then I gave him a good amount of money and that makes him to change his mind. Later we filmed scene 4 in the hotel's restaurant, when me and the detective meet to talk about my husband's killer, and I give him all the documents he needs. Scene 4 was the hardest scene for me , because the lines were hard to for me to pronounce .

12/03/12 - scene 5
Scene 5 was at my house, I invited all the guys and we filmed in my room and my kitchen and even in my shower. The detective comes to my house while i am in the shower and by accident he finds the front door open and comes in ,looks around the house, even goes into my room and finds out the truth that I actually killed my husband because he finds some important papers that proves that. Then I come from the shower and we have a conversation but I send him home very quickly promising to him that I am going to visit his house later.

14/03/12 - scene 2 (attempt 2)
We had to re-shoot some parts of scene 2 , because the first time I was very distracted and I was laughing all the time.

20/03/12 - scene 3 & scene 7
On that day we filmed scene 3, when Jacq goes to the phone box and gives me a call saying that he takes the job. The scene was filmed in Baker Street. Scene 7 was the chasing scene , when Jacq goes after me because I said to him the whole truth and now he wants to arrest me. but after he catches me he says that he is going to offer me the help that I might need.

14/05/12 - scene 6 & scene 8
On scene 6 I go back to his house, and we talked and I recognize him the whole truth , and when he wants me to arrest me I hit him and I run away, and he's coming after me. This happens at Eyyaz's hotel in Baker Street.
The final scene which is scene 8, we filmed it in college, is how Jacq comes to visit me in a mental hospital.

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