Lucy's Work

Statement on behalf of Disabled Charity:

Our charity, Disabled Action, has been campaigning for many years to promote wider acceptance of and respect for disabled people of all ages in our society.

We believe that Channel Four’s decision to broadcast the joke was disgusting.


This was a not broadcast live so Channel Four knew exactly what he was going to say.

Ofcom decision – reacted when people complained


We think it is sad that a comedian earning large amounts of money feels the need to pick on vulnerable people. We feel that it is wrong for a broadcaster to showcase material of this sort and

The joke that Mr frank Boyle said was pathetic. Why?
 Because, a comedian, when he writes his jokes, is supposed to use his brain and his creativity and to let him be inspired just a bit from the out side world. What Mr frank did was wrong because he picked someone who couldn’t defend them self’s and they will never understand the joke about him. A real comedian, as a human, doesn’t make such inappropriate extreme jokes about someone else’s condition.  Our community tries very hard to make each human being to accept or at least respect the disabled people, and our job is to keep them happy and to make them feel accepted by the society and to keep them in a constantly good mood. They are different but we should treat them normal or at least be ignorant with them if you don’t care, but don’t make fun of them because you can put them down and it just proves that you are stupid!

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