Sunday 24 June 2012

About music videos

A music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery, produced for promotional or artistic purposes. Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing. device intended to promote the sale of music recordings.
Their purposes are to promote an artist and to sell the song and to entertain the public.
Music videos use a wide range of styles of film making techniques, including animation, live action filming, and non-narrative approaches such as abstract films.
They started from MTV, the fist music channel to support music videos.
There are many music labels, especially in USA, like Sony owned by Tommy Mottola.
The concepts for music videos are inspired from everyday life, movies, other music videos, or maybe from your creative mind, from other countries culture. Everything you see in a music video from color, action, actors or background , the director of it decides, or maybe even the artist know what he wants in his own music video. Artists will always try to make the video to fit with the lyrics, so basically they get inspired for their music video from the lyrics of the song.
When it comes to the color of the video it can be black and white which classic, it can be the normal color we see everyday in life, or it can be red,blue and so one, or it can be even mixt like color and black and white:

A video can have crazy effects as well, because it really depends on the artist taste or they get inspired
by the lyrics, in the next video you can see some cool effects and you can see that Madonna is all painted in silver which is a really great natural effect that artists can use, so is not Rihanna who was the first one to be painted in silver like she claimed in an interview for her music video "Umbrella", which shows that artists get inspired or they are copying other artists as well when it comes to music videos:

A music video can also send a message to the public or even to be based on tabu subjects like sexuality.
Video message:

Sex video:

A video can also be based only on a great choreography like the next one:

Some music artists make a music video from their personal footages or from footages from their concerts:

Music video also been inspired from Hollywood films like the next one:

For my music video I had a simple concept, with a femme fatale inspired from my film noir role, and a guy that obviously i have to kill again.

I did this project by myself, so I was the director, the cameraman, the editor and the actress in the video, and I had a friend to be the male in the video.
I filmed this video at my house, because the concept was pretty simple and easy, and I filmed everything in my room basically.There were no risk assessments at all.The video was filmed in black and white and color as well. I used in the video two knifes but everything was under my control so no accidents happened.I struggled a bit with the filming because I did not have any help, I filmed myself most of the shots with a single camera which took me a longer time then others, because others in the class worked in groups so they finished more quicker then me. In the end even if I was by myself I am very satisfied with the results and happy about my music video.

storyboards music video

Video CV

Saturday 23 June 2012

Film noir Pre-production diary

  • 05/12/11
    We meet all four of us in a pod in college and we recorded our ideas, and discuss the characters and figure out some location, our main ideas
    I said my idea and everyone pretty much liked that and we remain  with my main idea. Then we decided that I should be the femme fatale and Jacq the detective.

  • 06/02/12 we had another meeting we talked 
     about equipment, characters, schedules, scripts, location. and then me and Eyyaz started to write the script later on.

  • 10/02/12 Later on Mohamed joined our group, and he was the D.O.P, so we met at Eyyaz's house to write the shot scenes.We spend a few hours on that.

1/03/12 - scene 1
We all met at Eyyaz's house  and we filmed scene 1 which was the part when I walk chill on the street with the 
coffee in my hand and suddenly I see a newspaper with an interesting subject about this detective and this way I become 
interested in meeting him. We filmed this scene in Baker Street not far from Eyyaz's house. Later in the afternoon we filmed another scene with me walking to his house in Regent's Park dressed very nice.

05/03/12 - scene 2 (attempt 1) & scene 4
We met again at Eyyaz's house and we filmed in the hotel where he is living , so for scene 2 we chose a nice hotel room from first floor, and there is happening out first meeting, me with the detective . And we have a conversation about what happened recently in my life and how I
need him to resolve this mistery I'm in now , but he reminds me that he lost his job and he is not ready to take this job in, then I gave him a good amount of money and that makes him to change his mind. Later we filmed scene 4 in the hotel's restaurant, when me and the detective meet to talk about my husband's killer, and I give him all the documents he needs. Scene 4 was the hardest scene for me , because the lines were hard to for me to pronounce .

12/03/12 - scene 5
Scene 5 was at my house, I invited all the guys and we filmed in my room and my kitchen and even in my shower. The detective comes to my house while i am in the shower and by accident he finds the front door open and comes in ,looks around the house, even goes into my room and finds out the truth that I actually killed my husband because he finds some important papers that proves that. Then I come from the shower and we have a conversation but I send him home very quickly promising to him that I am going to visit his house later.

14/03/12 - scene 2 (attempt 2)
We had to re-shoot some parts of scene 2 , because the first time I was very distracted and I was laughing all the time.

20/03/12 - scene 3 & scene 7
On that day we filmed scene 3, when Jacq goes to the phone box and gives me a call saying that he takes the job. The scene was filmed in Baker Street. Scene 7 was the chasing scene , when Jacq goes after me because I said to him the whole truth and now he wants to arrest me. but after he catches me he says that he is going to offer me the help that I might need.

14/05/12 - scene 6 & scene 8
On scene 6 I go back to his house, and we talked and I recognize him the whole truth , and when he wants me to arrest me I hit him and I run away, and he's coming after me. This happens at Eyyaz's hotel in Baker Street.
The final scene which is scene 8, we filmed it in college, is how Jacq comes to visit me in a mental hospital.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Music Video Evaluation

Explain a little a bit about the task you was set and if you got in a group or not.
The task was to do some research about music videos and then to create one of our own. At first I was in a group of four, but later we separate and I chose to be by myself, because I had an idea in my head that no one in the class agreed with it, so I did it myself.

Did you research any other music videos?
I haven't made any research for my music video, but my main inspiration to be attractive in the video was Madonna, but i didn't copy the idea of anyone.

What did you look at and notice about other music videos while you researched?
I was looking for attractive females.

How did you come up with your idea?
My ideea came from the film noir that I did with other group for college, and I played the femme fatale and I enjoyed so much playing that role, because I have been a huge fan of femme fatals from the 30s and 50s and I always wanted to play in a film noir. But my film noir was modern. So then I thought i am going to do a music video that is related to the film noir, it's basically me from the film but before meeting Jacq as the detective, and before my husband from the film.

How long did it take you to come up with your idea?
5 seconds. I always wanted to do this and i found very quickly the perfect song for it, and it really matched with everything i wanted.

Who helped you record your music video? (you can include people out side of the course like your mum and people who also stared in the music video)
I did it by myself, but I asked the help of one of my friends to stare in my video, because I needed a male to kill.

How long did it take you to record the music video?
About 3 days because I filmed everything by myself so I struggle a bit with the time, I did a lot of shots, they are not all of them in the video, I selected the best ones.

Do you think you could have made any improvements on your video?/If so what do you think you could have improved on or done differently?
Yes of course, I would have liked more shots with the male , and some colors a bit different.

Over all are you happy with your music video? What are you most happy about and proud of about your music video?
Yes I am very happy with my music video, especially the fact that I have done it all myself, from filming to editing and even starring in it. The most proud I am about the edit of ti, because I didn't know that I can edit so good and actually to make it have sense.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Film Noir (Impure Truth)

Music Video

Clay Animation

Evaluation of clay animation

Gumbasia is a 3 minute 10 second short film produced in 1953 and released in 1955, was the first clay animation produced by Art Clokey, who went on to create the classic series Gumby and Davey and Goliath using the same technique.
Gumbasia was made on a ping-pong table in Clokey's dad's garage and demonstrates the moving power of Kinesthetic film principles.
Aardman is a British animarion studio based in Bristol, United Kingdom. The studio is known for films made using stop motion clay animation techniques, particularly those featuring Plasticine characters Wallace and Gromit.

Jacq and myself we worked as a group on clay animation, and we did the original clay animation and our gambasia.
The claymation animation we did is a bit weird , is about this “hot girl” and this small figurine freak that he puts his eyes on her.But the characters are quite funny.
 The film is very short is about 11 seconds. We used college clay, which was a bit hard to make more smooth so that we can use it properly.
We finish this clay animation very quickly in one day.
The editing was good , we change the colors and we cut some shot, then we added sound which is the song “Sexy and I know it” and the sound of a “laugh”, which is very funny.
I didn’t get too much feedback, but the feedback that I got everyone said that it’s very funny but too short.
We haven’t managed our time very good, because me and Jacq missed the first week after the Easter holiday when this project started in the class, so we were the lasts to do the claymation animation. And because we were so late that’s why we didn’t have time to make it much longer and much professional.
Next time I will definitely change the aspect, the story , the sound the characters to make it look like a real TV animation.
I do enjoy more the Gumbasia then the Claymation animation. It looks much better and it makes more sense.
I did get involved in this project a lot,  we did the claymation and Gumbasia together in the class, but Jacq edited and I am the most proud of the Gumbasia because it looks more natural and well done.
Overall I know I could have done it much better, I am not that proud about it, but I really struggled with the clay animation, for me it was a very complicated task, is not easy and I am not that talented at making characters. Next time I will give myself more time and I will put more effort into it.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

About me Denis Maria

Hi my name is Denis Irimia, this is me right here!I am 20 years old and I was born in Romania, but now I live in London,U.K since summer 2009
Now I live in North West London, a very nice and quiet area which is good for me.
I am a full time student in City&Westminster College, and I study BTEC Media Level 3, I have another year to finish so my course will end in July 2013. After I intend to go to university outside London in Bournemouth maybe.
More about me I can say that I was a professional swimmer for 9 years of my life.
I have worked in Next Marble Arch for three months as a sale assistant so I can say I made my experience in retail, so now I can find much easier a job in retail.
I am aspiring to be more an actress then a director or to work in media. So I want to be in as many videos or shorts film as possible.
I am a fun and kind person, but in the same time very persuasive and I really know what I want.
I am very punctual, I am always on time, very rarely happens to be a bit late, but not very late and I am hard working and patience.
More videos about me you can find on my blog: