Saturday 10 December 2011


Asos Avdert

My asos advert, is quite cool. Looks like a tv advert.
It's about Asos, which is an only online fashion store, very well-known and successful, so we wanted to rise the standards of the advert to this famous website.
And what best way to make the advert to show exactly what is Asos about, then to have a model in it presenting the clothes and to be glamorous and fashionable! So in this advert the model walks and poses in different ways at the camera. The first shot and the most successful shot was the 3 poses in one take.It look very professional and fashionable. Between the shots we put message to inspire and to attract the viewers.
The next shot is the model walking down the street, because the Asos is about street fashion and cool fashion for teenagers and young adults. In the middle of the ad we attached three pictures with the group that worked at the advert ,looking fresh and young and representing normal and cool teens. the last moving shot is with the main model ,in the studio with a yellow background, because black or white was to common and boring for these days. The model looks straight at the camera and there's wind in her hair. After the last shot appears two pictures with the slogan and the name of the product "Asos". The advert finishes with the best group picture!
Almost everything went well , i am happy with the advert overall  even if we didn't win the competition! The most exciting thing working at the advert was being the main model and working in the studio, and the location outside college, and working at the treatment together with the others from the group.
I am very pleased with the three shots from the advert, I think it was an unique idea, and no other group from the class did that!so we got it!
I think you can definitely compare to their original advert, because it really rise up to their standards so I am proud of it. The similarities of the adverts are the fact that are models in it which pose in different shots, and the difference is that our ad is filmed on the street as well, and their advert is just in the studio.
Usually in a fashion advert the persuasive technique is obviously having beautiful models with some nice clothes and a great moving song. We made sure that the song will fit the advert.
I am sure an advert like ours will bring more visitor and buyers to the Asos website!!
Our target are the teens and people who love fashion and who love shopping and usually who loves shopping are the upper class because they have money to spend on clothes.
I most of the comments we received positive feedback, but also constructive comments.I am happy with the comments because most of the people who have seen the ad were very impressed by it.
The thing that didn't make me enough happy was the background sound, which at first I liked but my group changed it with one day before the competition. I wasn't happy about that, because everyone said that the first song choice was a better option, and after the change they all criticize in the comment the sound of the new ad version. But that's what happens when you work in a group which your taste in music is not the same like them, and when you are 20, and they are 16. At the end I agreed with it because I could fight it.
But maybe next time I will have more influence or I hope I will have more in common with the next group.

Monday 5 December 2011

task 4

Advert 1

Product name: Gusto

 Persuasive techniques: exaggeration, the guy cuts his head...and because he was eating Gusto fluffy snacks his mood was happier and happier, like nothing gets him down with snack Gusto.

Product USP: That Gusto feed you optimism! no matter what if you have this fluffy snacks, everything
will be ok

Advert 2

 Product name: Coca Cola Zero

 Persuasive techniques: humor, it is a very funny advert, with funny and wired characters, and basically the tongues who drink Coke they can't see that on the bottle says Coke Zero , but for them is the same taste.

 Product USP: having two tongues and an eye, completing each over, because the tongues can taste the coke, and the eye sees clearly that is Coca Cola Zero not Coca Cola.They are so unique characters.

Advert 3

Product name: Coca Cola

Persuasive techniques: Christmas, the fact that at every end of the year Christmas is coming, Santa brings gifts, and this time he brings Coca Cola for the whole town in nice trucks design with red which is the color of Coke and Santa, so basically they are using as a persuasive technique "Santa Claus", because every kid loves Santa, and their parents want to make their children happy so this is a good reason for adults as well.

 Product USP: Thos lovely and wonderful truck which light your eyes and makes you even happier that Christmas is coming.


Tuesday 29 November 2011

Task 2

The Anecdote






Task 1

1.Tv advertising- is a span of television programming produced and paid for by an organization that conveys a message, typically one intended to market a product. It is asingle 30 or 60 second television commercial broadcast during an event, a film, or a show of a product, trying to persuade people to get the product or to buy it.

·      Exaggeration :

How many adverts is it estimated that the average American consumes every day?
3.000 ads

Where do you see adverts?
On the bus, on television, on the floors in supermarkets.

What is the second most uttered word in the world?
Coca Cola

Sometimes advertisers use a character or a personality to help sell a product, why is this successful?
 -Because the right icon can sell almost everything to almost everybody. People can’t connect straight with the product but they can connect with the image of the product which can be a character or a personality. I look more fun and real if you see a nice or funny character presenting the product.

Does advertising always work? Give an example?
 -No. A Ford car didn’t sell at all, because of the image of the car. The product really matters if you want to sell it.

Why is research an important phase of making a TV advert?
 -Because it is important to know what your target audience is, and what customers want and like. Asking for opinions from normal people it gives an idea of how do you want the advert to look or about what to be.

Research has show that some methods of advertising are effective, what are they?
 -When you choose a character to advertise your product and people start liking the advert and the product sells well, then when you have to make a new advert about your product you must not disappoint your costumers. So many times they do a mini series of adverts with the same character that people fell in love when they first saw it. Each time a new advert comes out people get excited to see what's the story of the little character.

What is the future of advertising?
Advertising will never end. Advertising will grow more and more in every way to get the public into it.

task 6

Monday 21 November 2011


Broken love

1.the girl receives a very cute text message on her phone while she is at college
2.the girl is excited to go home
3.the girl exists the college and her boyfriend surprise her waiting for her.
3.the girl jumps on him, and they are very happy together and they go home hugging each other
4.the next day the girl keep checking her phone, but no message from her bf
5.she seems quite worried while she is going through the college to go home…
6.when she exits the college she sees her bf again, and she is happy and she wants to jump on him
7.the bf rejects her…
8.the girl asks whats wrong…
9.he breaks up with her and leaves.
10.the girl because very very sad…she almost cries and walks very slow to her way home ,not understanding why…

presentation asos

Sunday 16 October 2011

evaluation on my video

Evaluation on my video profile

I have finally finished my video profile, and I am very proud of it. I don’t know others opinion how it is but in my eyes it’s even better then I’ve expected it to be.
When I wrote the script I didn’t know yet how I wanted to look like. I started filming in a funny way and very natural and not taken seriously, but then I started to like the idea and I took it hard.
While I was filming I changed my script many times, making look more natural and not like a poem.
I filmed about 3 three days because I wanted to have different shots and outfit in my video.
I took a lot of shots outside, because the weather was lovely. I love sun and I look very good in the light.
The talking shots are filmed in college because it was more quiet inside.
The background sound it’s a song that I thought it will represent me very well, and it did.
I started the video with a profile picture with my name on it and with some shots from outside college in slow motion enjoying the sun and trying to be happy at the camera along with the melody.
I introduced myself and the college I belong to now. Then I started to say more thing about be like where I am from ,what kind of person I am and what I would like to do in the future. Each speech with different shot or picture showing what I am saying in that second.
I used a lot of effects like black and white , frames and so on.
My favourite effect is the slow motion at the end of the video when I am walking along with the music, I smile and I do the model walking.
When I’m talking the sound is too up, and you can’t hear my voice properly, but that is because I was listening to my teacher Sue, ‘cause she thought the sound was too low when I was talking and I tried to put it up a little bit but now it is too loud. I didn’t have to time to re-edit it again, so my apologize for that, but still you will understand what I am saying to the camera.
I received just 4 comments, because everyone in my class were busy with others, and at home I do not have internet this period. But the comments were lovely, one of them was constructive and I like to surprise people and listen to them and if I need to improve more I will.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Legal and Ethical

1.What does "copyright" mean?
Copyright arises automatically when a work that qualifies for protection is created.The work must be original in that it needs to originate with the author who will have used some judgment or skill to create the work - simply copying a work does not make it original.
It's the creator's right to protect his original work.




A release form is when you have to sign a form that you agree that someone is using your work:films,music,pictures. It is a proof that you didn't steal the work.

6.A contributor release form is when the artist himself who create the original work agrees through this form that his work may be exhibited in all media formats.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Favourite song of the moment!!
You and I !!!!!!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Second generate video :)

This is my second generate video, still my one of my own videos that I uploaded on Youtube.
This is a slideshow with pictures of me, my sister and my cousin.
We wanted to make a nice thing that represents our friendship and to make it public.

Monday 19 September 2011

Script for my profile video


Hi my name is Denis, I am 20 years old and I am from Romania, but I moved 2 years ago in London.

Medium shot with me
I am studying Media L3 at City of Westminster College.

Shot with the entrance of the college.
I am a happy person In general, I am very straight and honest, which I think is a good think sometimes. I am very social, I like talking a lot with different people and share opinions.

Close up with me, my eyes my lips, my smile.
I have a lot of hobbies, like swimming, dancing, watching movies and I really like writing. I love eating sweets like jelly and chocolate. I use a lot of make up, I just love it, it’s like fashion for me, really it represents me.
Close up with me talking,
Writing on paper, and eating jelly.
Shots with me putting make up in the mirror

I think many things I did were unique experiences and great experiences, a recent one was a week ago when I was the guide to a group of tourists from Romania (about 40 people) I’ve been with them around London and lead them to the famous tourist attractions in the city and they were very happy with their guide for one day and I really enjoy I had a lot of fun.

Medium shot, and some close shots with my face while I am talking.
In the future I would love to work in the media industry, in a studio as a writer or director or anything that I can do for a film.
Medium shot with a camera in my hand,
And a BCU to me with my camera.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

My personal generate video :)

Denis is eating candy chocolate at 1 a.m :))

This video belongs to me because I am starring in it:))
It was 1a.m and my best friend didn't let me to go to sleep, she wanted us to stay up all night and I wasn't capable of doing that. So to keep me awake she thought it will be a good idea to give some chocolate 'cause she knows how much i love chocolate.
So i am very focused and happy that I am eating my chocolate and suddenly we heard noise in the other room. She panics and asks me if I locked the front door...and I answer back to her very happy that I didn't because I don't know how that door works.
She becomes mad and says to me "You stupid let's go to lock that door"
I wrote so many details because the video is in romanian and I wanted the reader to understand what the video is about.

The target audience will be definetelly the teenagers,just like us.
The video appears on internet, on my own profile on Youtube.
The purpose of the video is to show how much fun I am having with my best friend anytime,anyday.

samsung advert

This is a samsung advert,I had to watch a couple of time to understand it and I still didn't understand it.
I post it though because I think is a very interesting and funny advert and puts your brain at work,so if you did understand it please leave a comment.
The video shows how some sheep coming together can make some nice pictures and eventually create a famous painting of Da Vinci.
The target audience is for everybody, it's a normal commercial for any age to enjoy.
The commercial is on internet, but I am sure that this appears on TV as well.
I still didn't get what the purpose of the video is, sheep with lights...:| gets me speechless:))

The dark knight

The Dark Knight is one of my favorite movies.
The video is basically a trailer of the movie itself,it shows how the action is going on in the movie and who the actors.The video shows how the Joker is trying to kill Batman.
I think the target audience is 15+,because is quite violent and it's a lot of blood and killing.It's not healthy for children under 15 to see so much violence.
The video appears on internet. Internet is one of the best ways to make publicity for the next movies that will come out.Millions of people everyday go online and they can see any trailer they want for a movie that will come out soon.
The purpose of the video is to get the public into the movie.They try to create us an idea about what it's going to be in this movie and to persuade us to go to the cinema and see the film.

Monday 12 September 2011

streaming - file compression - aspect ratios - frame rates

Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a streaming provider. The name refers to the delivery method of the medium rather than to the medium itself. The distinction is usually applied to media that are distributed over telecommunications networks, as most other delivery systems are either inherently streaming (e.g., radio,TV) or inherently non-streaming (e.g., book, video cassettes , audio CDs).


File compression is commonly used when sending a file from one computer to another over a connection that has limited bandwidth. The compression basically makes the file smaller and, therefore, the sending of the file is faster. Of course, when compressing a file and sending it to another computer that computer has to have a program that will decompress the file so it can be returned to "normal" and used

The aspect ratio of a shape is the ratio of its longer dimension to its shorter dimension. It may be applied to two characteristic dimensions of a three-dimensional shape, such as the ratio of the longest and shortest axis, or for symmetrical objects that are described by just two measurements, such as the length and diameter of a rod.

Frame rate (also known as frame frequency) is the frequency (rate) at which an imaging device produces unique consecutive images called frames.

video formats(glossary of terms)

Audio Video Interleave known by its acronym AVI, is a multimedia container format introduced by Microsoft in November 1992 as part of it’s a Video for Windows technology. AVI files can contain both audio and video data in a file container that allows synchronous audio-with-video playback. Like the DVD video format, AVI files support multiple streaming audio and video, although these features are seldom used.

MOV video file functions as a multimedia container file that contains one or more tracks, each of which stores a particular type of data: audio, video, effects, or text (e.g. for subtitles). Each track either contains a digitally-encoded media stream or a data reference to the media stream located in another file.
MOV video file is a file format used by the QuickTime-wrapped files.

Windows Media Video (WMV) is a video compression format for several proprietary codecs developed by Microsoft,. The original video format, known as WMV, was originally designed for Internet streaming applications, as a competitor to Real Video.

favorite video of the moment

my first empty post

My name is Denis, and it's pronounced Denise!
I am 20 , omg 20 !!! and i feel very sad about it, but that's life :D
This my first blog ever!! And I have no idea what to write...
This blog is linked to my college and it's about sharing the work I do in college.
My college is City of Westminster London.
Here is a picture with me :D

Bye for now :)