Monday 5 December 2011

task 4

Advert 1

Product name: Gusto

 Persuasive techniques: exaggeration, the guy cuts his head...and because he was eating Gusto fluffy snacks his mood was happier and happier, like nothing gets him down with snack Gusto.

Product USP: That Gusto feed you optimism! no matter what if you have this fluffy snacks, everything
will be ok

Advert 2

 Product name: Coca Cola Zero

 Persuasive techniques: humor, it is a very funny advert, with funny and wired characters, and basically the tongues who drink Coke they can't see that on the bottle says Coke Zero , but for them is the same taste.

 Product USP: having two tongues and an eye, completing each over, because the tongues can taste the coke, and the eye sees clearly that is Coca Cola Zero not Coca Cola.They are so unique characters.

Advert 3

Product name: Coca Cola

Persuasive techniques: Christmas, the fact that at every end of the year Christmas is coming, Santa brings gifts, and this time he brings Coca Cola for the whole town in nice trucks design with red which is the color of Coke and Santa, so basically they are using as a persuasive technique "Santa Claus", because every kid loves Santa, and their parents want to make their children happy so this is a good reason for adults as well.

 Product USP: Thos lovely and wonderful truck which light your eyes and makes you even happier that Christmas is coming.

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