Monday 5 December 2011



  1. The video was really good. The music suited the advert very well and the effects you added were really good. The only thing I would say that could be changed is the amount of time the titles were up. I think you should have left the titles up for longer.

  2. I enjoyed the video alot, nice use of music and camera shots. Also liking the color correction used. The only complain i can find is at the beginning the three clips drag a bit long (around 9 seconds) as soon as the last tile comes up (00:08))

  3. very nicely filmed, and i love the interesting poses ;3
    i also like the way you had 3 videos going on at once it gave it more hip and modern feel with the music :D
    well done!

  4. I like the fact that there is more to look at in terms of cloths and style and the effects are really good as well but I think the music changing was a bad idea. It starts with a really catchy beat and then the song al of a sudden changes to a soft themed song. Over all the advert is really good

  5. Loved everything but the music doesn't really work with the ad in my opinion. The visuals are great though.

  6. The visuals are really nice , i really liked the idea of the three split screens at the beginning and there are certain flaws with the music transition , but overall its good video.
