Monday 14 January 2013

Working to a Brief

A brief it's a short statement where explains things that you have to follow to accomplish the requirements for a project.
The following report will explain what a brief is and the requirements of working to a brief in the video production industry by example.

A brief gives instructions or preparatory information to guide you through what you have to do.
The structure of a brief is quite short and straight to the point.

What is the task you have to achieve in this brief?
It clearly says in the first paragraph of the brief what to do, and it calls it challenge. The challenge is to write, film and edit a short video, maximum three minutes based on the theme "Ambitious".

What is the deadline of the competition?
After they give you options on how to shoot it(at your choice) they said you have to submit the video by 31 of January 2013 23.50 p.m.

How to enter the competition?
The second paragraph explains how to enter, you only need to make the video, upload it to Youtube or Vimeo and complete this online application form inserting the link of your video as well.
At the end of the competition you will can read the "Terms and Conditions" after that if you are happy you click Submit.

How can I know if I am entitled to apply?
The competition is open to anyone, on any budget and any genre, just make sure the theme is "Ambitious".

What is the competition looking for? Is looking for originality,and something funny and artistic filmed with any kind of camera you have. Just make it good enough to make sure you win.

What is the process of the competition after everyone submits their work?
After all the entries , the best 12 shot films will be picked and watched over and over again by the final judges who will decide the winner. The shortlist will be screened at an awards party in London in June.

What's the prize for the winner?
In the last paragraph says everything about the prizez, you will win £10.000 Grand Prix and you are awarded for Best Young Filmmaker.

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