Wednesday 5 December 2012

Buzz TV Evaluation

The magazine show we did in September - October was created by the whole class as a group.
Conner was the producer of the show and Bom the director. The job roles where decided together in the class but the last decision was made by James,our tutor.On the day that the job roles were decided I was ill for the whole week and I wasn't in so because of this i didn't have the chance to pick a role.
At the end my job role was assistant camera operator for Raymond and also a presenter for the Fashion part, wich I got promoted on the last moment because the original presenter Nada couldn't show up on the day of the live show.
The live show was held in the TV Studio and was presented by Jacq and Georgina.Their script was written by Samya. Before the actual live show we made three rehearsals, that went pretty good, we just didn't have enough players for the game show. The same problem was on the day of the show as well, so we used some of our class mates to play.
The game part was about finding the Mars bars in a pool full of balls. Three contestants dived in the pool and someone found the Mars bar and won.
The technical issues were very few, because the more we rehearsed before the more we knew how to handle them. I think at the final program the only problem was at the end some sound issues, and also when I was presenting the Fashion Tips the volume of my microphone was very low.
During the show we introduced our video inserts, that were created specially for the "Buzz TV". My group's video insert was the Top 4 Music Videos of the week.
The entertainment news were presented by Jordan Nizbitz, he was filmed on a green screen so it looked a bit weird the background, and I think his voice was too low.
My Fashion part went well, just the microphone as I said before was low. I introduced the video insert made from London Fashion Week and talked a bit about what's in trend nowadays.
The rest was very well handled by the presenters, no one forget their lines and they managed to finish everything on time. The last part of the show we had a singer as a guest , who was interviewed by Georgina and Jacq and at the end of the show he performed his debut single.
The whole show last 23 minutes.

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