Monday 27 February 2012

My ident is the Channel 4 one.
Comparing my ident with the first ident from E4 mine is very relaxing , which is exactly what we need for a break. My ident reflects exactly the idea of the break, like we take breaks from films or shows that we are watching certain people who travel take small break and stop by the petrol station, or by the diner.
But the first ident from E4 it's like a mess, it's in a small room,very crowdy, with a lot of things going on, it actually makes you feel tired and confusing and uncomfortable by showing stuff sinking in their own floor.
My ident is the best because represents the break that people need sometimes, and it keeps you from not to change the channel because you want to see that big 4 , it's like a challenge for our brain to see where the 4 is hiding!
The colors though in both idents are very bright and all over the place. But in the Channel 4 Ident we can clearly see that it's about Channel 4, but on the E4 Ident we can't realize straight away that this Ident belongs to E4. To be honest I don't understand very clearly what's going on in E4 Ident, there are some pink trees , pink cows, pink mushrooms , like a farm or something, even the carpet is green grass, and all of this happens in a bedroom, it probably represents the bedroom that we are staying everyday watching tv late at night. From a normal house room it transforms in a purple room, because purple is the color that represents channel E4. On the Channel 4 Ident it's dark outside so I am sure that they show this Ident after 9 p.m, and the huge 4 upon the diner helps to light up the environment.

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