Tuesday 21 February 2012

Channel Idents- when a channel create their own little advert specially for their channel to promote the logo and the channel.They represent the channel.
Indents allows channels to be recognized quickly and easily by the viewers.
Station identification used to be done regularly by an announcer at the halfway point during the presentation of a television program, or in between programs.
Broadcast stations in Europe do not identify by using a callsign, however most networks use a brand based on their common channel number.
In the present day, most broadcasters use a set of multiple idents built around a certain theme or branding element, often based on the channel's current overall look.
Some stations, especially television stations, identify themselves at or near every half-hour, though only once per hour is required.

They all have in common their huge logos popping in.
They have very colorful logos and science fiction thing going on.
The action happens outside.
There's sound in each one of them.
The logos are somewhere in the air, they are floating in the air.
In all of them you can see water, a river or the sea.


They all have in common their huge logos popping in.
They have very colorful logos and science fiction thing going on.
The action happens outside.
There's sound in each one of them.

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