Saturday 10 December 2011


Asos Avdert

My asos advert, is quite cool. Looks like a tv advert.
It's about Asos, which is an only online fashion store, very well-known and successful, so we wanted to rise the standards of the advert to this famous website.
And what best way to make the advert to show exactly what is Asos about, then to have a model in it presenting the clothes and to be glamorous and fashionable! So in this advert the model walks and poses in different ways at the camera. The first shot and the most successful shot was the 3 poses in one take.It look very professional and fashionable. Between the shots we put message to inspire and to attract the viewers.
The next shot is the model walking down the street, because the Asos is about street fashion and cool fashion for teenagers and young adults. In the middle of the ad we attached three pictures with the group that worked at the advert ,looking fresh and young and representing normal and cool teens. the last moving shot is with the main model ,in the studio with a yellow background, because black or white was to common and boring for these days. The model looks straight at the camera and there's wind in her hair. After the last shot appears two pictures with the slogan and the name of the product "Asos". The advert finishes with the best group picture!
Almost everything went well , i am happy with the advert overall  even if we didn't win the competition! The most exciting thing working at the advert was being the main model and working in the studio, and the location outside college, and working at the treatment together with the others from the group.
I am very pleased with the three shots from the advert, I think it was an unique idea, and no other group from the class did that!so we got it!
I think you can definitely compare to their original advert, because it really rise up to their standards so I am proud of it. The similarities of the adverts are the fact that are models in it which pose in different shots, and the difference is that our ad is filmed on the street as well, and their advert is just in the studio.
Usually in a fashion advert the persuasive technique is obviously having beautiful models with some nice clothes and a great moving song. We made sure that the song will fit the advert.
I am sure an advert like ours will bring more visitor and buyers to the Asos website!!
Our target are the teens and people who love fashion and who love shopping and usually who loves shopping are the upper class because they have money to spend on clothes.
I most of the comments we received positive feedback, but also constructive comments.I am happy with the comments because most of the people who have seen the ad were very impressed by it.
The thing that didn't make me enough happy was the background sound, which at first I liked but my group changed it with one day before the competition. I wasn't happy about that, because everyone said that the first song choice was a better option, and after the change they all criticize in the comment the sound of the new ad version. But that's what happens when you work in a group which your taste in music is not the same like them, and when you are 20, and they are 16. At the end I agreed with it because I could fight it.
But maybe next time I will have more influence or I hope I will have more in common with the next group.

Monday 5 December 2011

task 4

Advert 1

Product name: Gusto

 Persuasive techniques: exaggeration, the guy cuts his head...and because he was eating Gusto fluffy snacks his mood was happier and happier, like nothing gets him down with snack Gusto.

Product USP: That Gusto feed you optimism! no matter what if you have this fluffy snacks, everything
will be ok

Advert 2

 Product name: Coca Cola Zero

 Persuasive techniques: humor, it is a very funny advert, with funny and wired characters, and basically the tongues who drink Coke they can't see that on the bottle says Coke Zero , but for them is the same taste.

 Product USP: having two tongues and an eye, completing each over, because the tongues can taste the coke, and the eye sees clearly that is Coca Cola Zero not Coca Cola.They are so unique characters.

Advert 3

Product name: Coca Cola

Persuasive techniques: Christmas, the fact that at every end of the year Christmas is coming, Santa brings gifts, and this time he brings Coca Cola for the whole town in nice trucks design with red which is the color of Coke and Santa, so basically they are using as a persuasive technique "Santa Claus", because every kid loves Santa, and their parents want to make their children happy so this is a good reason for adults as well.

 Product USP: Thos lovely and wonderful truck which light your eyes and makes you even happier that Christmas is coming.
