Saturday 25 May 2013

Final photos Evaluation

For my final photos, I had to think to present and idea for a type of magazine.

The first idea that came to my mind, was dance photography. Dancing is one of my favorite hobbies and I thought it will be quite unique if I take photos to some professional dancers. I have my friend who is a professional dancer at Pineapple Studios and is dancing there contemporary jazz.

At first I had the idea to picture him in an empty huge room with mirrors all over, but I realized I ain’t got a room like this, and my I had no budget, so I decided to go to the Pineapple Studios and ask if I can picture him in his dance class.

The people at Pineapple were really understanding, they introduced me to the class and the teacher and mentioned them that I am student and I would like to take some photographs to Daniele for a college project. Daniele’s lessons are every Tuesday and Wednesday night, so I went two nights in a row to take some pictures. When I got there I asked Daniele to stay at the back of the class, so I can take pictures better of him and not to disturb others. They danced for two hours, really intense and sweaty.

Being there I encountered two problems. One; I couldn’t use the flash because I was disturbing the dancers, and two; I didn’t have enough space to move, actually I couldn’t move at all. I had to stay in only one corner, which wasn’t too good for my shoots, to avoid disturbing the students. But in the end I was very happy and I didn’t expect that the teacher and the staff at Pineapple will let me take photos of their classes for free.

For the pictures I used a Nikkon camera and I set the ISO low. For most of the pictures I did panning shots and some blurred shots, because as I said before I couldn’t move too much.

After taking around 200 pictures, I picked my best ten and edit them a little bit. I chose to make them black and white because inspires more professionalism and it looks more interesting. This pictures I would like to present it to “Dance” magazine, but in a different way. I want to use them for Daniele, to advertise him as a professional dancer more then me as a photographer. This way both me and him can have advantages from it. He can get more jobs and auditions and me more experience and more chances for other magazines, that would like to print my work.

Overall I am happy with my pictures, and happy that I had the opportunity to work with a professional dancer and took pictures in a professional dance studio. What could’ve been better was the lighting. I wish I could’ve use some lights or at least my flash.

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