Wednesday 30 May 2012


CWC  Ident Evaluation

My group for this Ident was Nada, Bom and Aisha. Our Ident is 45 sec. long and it’s made from Istop motion.
At first we put our ideas together in mind maps and then we picked one together as a group. My main idea was to say “Hello” in many different languages so this way we show that the college brings together all nationalities. The rest of the ident was to show how popular the C&W College is. We found in a newspaper a CWC advert and a student looks through it, and then we zoom into that advert. Then we make a search on an Iphone showing that you can have an AP for CWC as well.
The Ident starts with a nice way of saying "Hello" to everyone in different languages, so each person that holds the paper with "Hello" is in their language,the person is from that country. This way we wanted everybody to feel welcomed in our college.
After the group of people we show a big "Hello" ,in english of course , and we zoom in and fade into another shot.
My crew was very determinate and they really worked hard, and we finished this sooner then we thought!Each one of us did a task and at the end we put everything together and the results were great.
About me i can say I could have done better, I came up with the main idea of the Ident, which is saying "Hello" in many different languages, but i didn't put any effort in editing or filming, next time i would like to get more involved in the production.
We managed our time very good and we finished on time everything.
I think we finished everything from the brief, we've done the mind maps, video pitch, story boards and the final Ident.
Almost everything went well, just the fact that in the begging we hoped we will make cut animation but we run out of time and we did it with Istop motion, but still  looks very good. And we could have been more creative, and maybe using more brights colors. Next time I would like to have more options showing how popular the CWC is actually in London and how good the teachers are and the program of the college for its students.
The thing that i am most proud of is that we managed to bring so many people of different cultures together to pose for this college IDENT, this shows how loved is this college and how everybody supports it.
The feedback was pretty encouraging , most of them they liked the idea of "Hello" in different languages, they found it original and special. Someone said that we should have change the color a it to look more professional and to fix the black bars around the pictures in some shots!But other then that everyone enjoyed very much this Ident.

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