Monday 3 June 2013

Moan Board , Mind Map, Video Pitch

Saturday 25 May 2013

Final photos Evaluation

For my final photos, I had to think to present and idea for a type of magazine.

The first idea that came to my mind, was dance photography. Dancing is one of my favorite hobbies and I thought it will be quite unique if I take photos to some professional dancers. I have my friend who is a professional dancer at Pineapple Studios and is dancing there contemporary jazz.

At first I had the idea to picture him in an empty huge room with mirrors all over, but I realized I ain’t got a room like this, and my I had no budget, so I decided to go to the Pineapple Studios and ask if I can picture him in his dance class.

The people at Pineapple were really understanding, they introduced me to the class and the teacher and mentioned them that I am student and I would like to take some photographs to Daniele for a college project. Daniele’s lessons are every Tuesday and Wednesday night, so I went two nights in a row to take some pictures. When I got there I asked Daniele to stay at the back of the class, so I can take pictures better of him and not to disturb others. They danced for two hours, really intense and sweaty.

Being there I encountered two problems. One; I couldn’t use the flash because I was disturbing the dancers, and two; I didn’t have enough space to move, actually I couldn’t move at all. I had to stay in only one corner, which wasn’t too good for my shoots, to avoid disturbing the students. But in the end I was very happy and I didn’t expect that the teacher and the staff at Pineapple will let me take photos of their classes for free.

For the pictures I used a Nikkon camera and I set the ISO low. For most of the pictures I did panning shots and some blurred shots, because as I said before I couldn’t move too much.

After taking around 200 pictures, I picked my best ten and edit them a little bit. I chose to make them black and white because inspires more professionalism and it looks more interesting. This pictures I would like to present it to “Dance” magazine, but in a different way. I want to use them for Daniele, to advertise him as a professional dancer more then me as a photographer. This way both me and him can have advantages from it. He can get more jobs and auditions and me more experience and more chances for other magazines, that would like to print my work.

Overall I am happy with my pictures, and happy that I had the opportunity to work with a professional dancer and took pictures in a professional dance studio. What could’ve been better was the lighting. I wish I could’ve use some lights or at least my flash.

Monday 13 May 2013

The Bible Review

"The Bible" is the latest visual story about the beginning of the world until the new life after Jesus Christ.
It's a 10 episodes Tv mini-series with stories based on the actual Bible. The success of "The Bible" in USA was incredible, over 100 million people watched it all episodes together. So far was launched in the USA, after the summer will start spread all over the world.  The premier was in March 2013 on History channel, five Sundays in a row with two episodes at every end of the week.
The budget was for the whole 10 episodes was just $22 million, and was filmed in Morocco in 4 months.
The impact on the public, including me,was huge. The power of God is shown in each episode and in each episode is portrayed the conflict between the bad and the good.
The series had three directors, each one of them directing different episodes, never all three together one episode, which I thought was a great idea, because they managed perfectly to make the episodes come together and make sense. From the first episode I thought the story was brilliantly visualised and really captivating to make you see the next one and the rest of the mini series, that's why the views never went down, because it didn't disappoint. What they wanted to show through this series was the real story as it is in the Bible written, and it's been years and years that a new film or Tv series about Jesus weren't made,so I think it was about time to remind ourselves were are we coming from and why we should respect and believe in the Son of God. Also in The Bible is shown how the world started and stories about other religious people that had a huge effect on the history, beside Jesus. So they are presenting stories that no one has ever seen on screens, that what makes The Bible interesting and watchable.
Even if the budget was small the effects and the performances were amazing.
From all the films and TV series that were made about Jesus Christ this was the second best so far. The number one of all was Jesus of Nazareth from 1977. The mini series Jesus of Nazareth were only 6 episodes, and they were focused only on Jesus life on earth and the resurrection of Him. Comparing with The Bible from 2013 , the series from 1977 were more detailed about Jesus life on earth, and the story more deep and sad. Also in that one there are no stories about Abraham or Moises like in the 2013 one. In The Bible like in Jesus of Nazareth, the main character is still Jesus, because it dominates in the last 6 episodes, and even from the first fourth episodes the stories will later relate to the birth of the Son of God.
The narrative structure of the whole series is linear, but in each episode the beginning starts with a short review of the former episode, to let us know where we are in the story. The story clearly starts with the beginning of the world, how God created earth, the nature, animals and the humans. Then the story naturally goes to different people that believed in the power of God and them confronting other people who where against God or just didn't believe in it. To tell us the story of the beginning of the world is told by a voiceover, I think is just a story teller who reads from the actual book the 'Bible'. The series go in a strict linear story to make sure that the public understands exactly what happened back then and to make sense to us. The Bible finishes with the two remain apprentices who in their last days wrote the story of Jesus and their experiences which made the 'Bible' book that is today.
The Christians were the stereo types in this film.  Even before Jesus the Christians existed and weren't accepted too well by the rest of the people. They were considered freaks and crazy. After Jesus birth, still the society didn't accepted them and became even violent when they were believed and followed Jesus as the Son of God. People were punished and killed because they were following Jesus. In the world we're living today, religious people are accepted but they are still considered a bit weird, because today most of the humans think they are God for themselves. I think that today people are becoming more and more ignorant with religion and Christians in general, people don't care much. Me being a Christian and believing in God and the church, I accept and respect everyone's choice about their religion. I think everyone has the right to believe in what they thinks it's good for them and helps them.
This show can influence the audience a lot, in a good but in a bad way as well. It really depends if the viewer already believed in this stories or not.
The effect that had on me was a really calm one and made me appreciate even more all religions.

Monday 29 April 2013


A DVD is an optical storage thing that comes as the successor of the CD, but with a capacity of nearly 7 times higher and with a different way of writing information on disk.
A DVD looks like a shinny disc, and has a MENU, extra, director's Cut, Skip button and Next.
The DVD technology replaced the video tapes that were currently on the market, and probably even the DVD will be soon completely replaced by other new technology like Blu-ray and even USB. The DVDs so far they were very useful to storage big information of a few GB.
When the CD's came out they were a big thing for us , because finally we got rid of cassettes and the huge discs. But when the DVD came on the market it took technology to another level, we transferred all the footages or audios on it from the old ways of seeing or hearing them. And also we put information on it in a much more larger amount then ever.But nowadays everyday something new comes out and concurs the public and puts down the old technology, even if it’s only a few years old.
I still think that beside all the new technology that comes out now, the DVD will always have our back, and when we will need it we will still use it. The DVD made our computer lives easier, so I will not give up on it easy.
The people opinion is that soon the DVDs will disappear but there is still a open market to it. For example some people go and rent their favorite movies on DVDs from shops like “LoveFilm” or buy from “HMV”. The latest technology that appeared are the Blu-rays, which can store on it at least three times more than a DVD. This way the DVD will go down but I don’t think will disappear forever.
Some computer games are still made on DVD's and computer games are still quite successful.  On the other hand, now we have YOUTUBE ,SKY, Apple and the biggest ones are the Hard Drives, who can stores millions of GB. Also the DVD is not compatible with the new 3D technology, you can’t watch a 3D movie on a DVD.
Some of us still buy DVD’s because they are cheap and also pirate DVD’s are very popular. Like a USB the DVD is really portable and have a hardware to support them. So as long poor people still buy cheap DVD’s , this way they will never completely disappear from the market. 
Also think about how many technology less countries are in the world that they don’t know much about computers and things like that. For them the DVD can be a huge useful thing until they will fully develop the newest technology.
I still have home so many DVD’s even from 10 years ago, with pictures, music and films, and this way I will never throw them out.  
As long as the computers will still read a DVD there will be no way that will be gone forever.

Monday 11 March 2013

Splash photography

For today's assignment we looked at fast shutter speed. We went up to the studio and set up a bowl of water to drop strawberry's into. To get these shots we use a very fast shutter (1/400) and set it to manual mode. The f stop was also 4.0 and i used a 24mm lens. 

Low-lighting Experiment

For today's assignment we looks at low lighting and shadows. We had to take portrait pictures of each other with objects making shadows.
I put the iso up to 200 because we were shooting in the dark and the f stop was 5.0 so i could focus on everything in the shot.