Monday 4 February 2013

Comic Relief

The charity that I chose to support from Comic Relief is "Domestic and Sexual Abuse" against women.

  • Each year 1.5 million women experience domestic abuse at least once - 800,000 are sexually assaulted and 100,000 raped.
  • The impact of these acts of violence can be devastating for individuals, families and even whole communities.

    They fund agencies working with young survivors aged 11-25 – including organisations which provide crisis support and therapeutic care to young people, and those which help young survivors get their voices heard.

    They are helping to fund the Women's Aid Accreditation programme so that there is a UK-wide training programme for domestic violence workers.

Make parody music videos of famous artists with red noses. All this through college, like E.T song by Katy Perry!

Live Items

In the live show I would like it to be funny and spontaneous.
I think that a "Live Diva Fight" will be very funny. So two girls who are very full of themselves they will play the roles of two divas that hate each other and think that they are better than the other one.
They will star dancing and in the middle of the dance they start fighting and in the end a guy breaks them up and tries to get them to make up.