Tuesday 29 November 2011

Task 2

The Anecdote






Task 1

1.Tv advertising- is a span of television programming produced and paid for by an organization that conveys a message, typically one intended to market a product. It is asingle 30 or 60 second television commercial broadcast during an event, a film, or a show of a product, trying to persuade people to get the product or to buy it.

·      Exaggeration : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfeVEAZkJqM

How many adverts is it estimated that the average American consumes every day?
3.000 ads

Where do you see adverts?
On the bus, on television, on the floors in supermarkets.

What is the second most uttered word in the world?
Coca Cola

Sometimes advertisers use a character or a personality to help sell a product, why is this successful?
 -Because the right icon can sell almost everything to almost everybody. People can’t connect straight with the product but they can connect with the image of the product which can be a character or a personality. I look more fun and real if you see a nice or funny character presenting the product.

Does advertising always work? Give an example?
 -No. A Ford car didn’t sell at all, because of the image of the car. The product really matters if you want to sell it.

Why is research an important phase of making a TV advert?
 -Because it is important to know what your target audience is, and what customers want and like. Asking for opinions from normal people it gives an idea of how do you want the advert to look or about what to be.

Research has show that some methods of advertising are effective, what are they?
 -When you choose a character to advertise your product and people start liking the advert and the product sells well, then when you have to make a new advert about your product you must not disappoint your costumers. So many times they do a mini series of adverts with the same character that people fell in love when they first saw it. Each time a new advert comes out people get excited to see what's the story of the little character.

What is the future of advertising?
Advertising will never end. Advertising will grow more and more in every way to get the public into it.

task 6

Monday 21 November 2011


Broken love

1.the girl receives a very cute text message on her phone while she is at college
2.the girl is excited to go home
3.the girl exists the college and her boyfriend surprise her waiting for her.
3.the girl jumps on him, and they are very happy together and they go home hugging each other
4.the next day the girl keep checking her phone, but no message from her bf
5.she seems quite worried while she is going through the college to go home…
6.when she exits the college she sees her bf again, and she is happy and she wants to jump on him
7.the bf rejects her…
8.the girl asks whats wrong…
9.he breaks up with her and leaves.
10.the girl because very very sad…she almost cries and walks very slow to her way home ,not understanding why…

presentation asos